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At the root of nearly all conflict, both inner and outer,

is a part of ourselves that is acting unconsciously. 

These situations that trigger us can be seen as an invitation to look deeper and can lead us to the places within that are needing our love and care.


We develop these blind spots when an aspect of ourselves has been cast out from the whole, with the purpose of minimizing harm. Maybe it was holding a painful experience that was too much to feel at the time, maybe it was simply a part of ourselves that was never seen or loved by the people who mattered to us,

maybe it was even just the feelings we had that felt unacceptable in some way, like anger, fear, sadness or despair. Whatever the cause, these unclaimed parts of ourselves are still, understandably trying to get their needs met. Without our awareness, they operate under the radar, so to speak. The result is that in our interactions and relationships with others, we may have unconscious motivations, which obscure free-flowing, straightforward communication.



In my work, I seek to identify these fragmented parts of ourselves, so that we have the opportunity to reintegrate and ultimately heal them. At the core of this process is much acceptance, compassion, and humility. When I work with a person, it is a collaborative process. I believe that people reveal only what they are ready and willing to look at. Meanwhile, it is my task to bring this unconscious material into conscious awareness, and thus introduce the possibility of choice.


In a session, I use my intuition and sensitivity to attune to a person’s inner landscape, relaying the information I receive which could come in the form of symbolic images, messages, or felt sensations. As the session progresses we move into energy work, which takes place on a massage table, where I scan the body with my hands, hovering a few inches above it, and gather information about where and what type of emotional content is being held in the body. Along with that comes an intent to move or release these energies, which is communicated directly from your body’s wisdom to mine. My hands then move to facilitate 

the healing process that is wanting to happen.


When we are present with the pain we carry

Impermanence meets us halfway to lift our burden

And the inevitability of change shows itself

As a source of infinite mercy.

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